Easy ISO & AQAP Management

Introducing the service Easy ISO & AQAP Management

A tool that increases productivity and facilitates adaptation to ISO & AQAP standards requirements

We manage, you get certified!

What is Easy ISO and AQAP Management?

  • We provide your company with a platform for managing ISO & AQAP systems based on the Google Workspace architecture
  • You add your employees to the service
  • We provide you with procedures for a management system compliant with ISO & AQAP
  • You work in accordance with the procedures provided to you
  • We make sure that you are compliant with ISO & AQAP
  • You undergo internal and external assessment and receive an ISO & AQAP Certificate

Starter Package

What are the benfits?


System compliant with ISO and AQAP requirements:

  • Procedures
  • Registers
  • Forms
  • System Page
  • Action Plan

Google Workspace Services

  • Gmail
  • Drive
  • Meet
  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Dosc
  • Sheets
  • Sites
  • Forms

Tools for obtaining ISO and AQAP certification

  • Manual: How to get certified?

Smart Internal Audit


Service 2h/month, including:

  • Support in working in the system
  • Internal audit online

User management

User Management Support
Adding New Users
Removing Users

ISO and AQAP certificate

The certificate is issued after approval of the Audit results from Smart Internal Audit


You have full control over all files created by users, even if they no longer work for you
*applies ONLY to Google accounts within the service


System launch | 8h | 2000 PLN
Monthly subscription | 2h | 500 PLN


Fee for setting up a Google account as part of the service | PLN 60
Fee for a user with their Google account | PLN 0 net

Certificate issuance fee

Employment of up to 10 people | PLN 1,000
Employment of up to 25 people | PLN 1,500
Employment of up to 50 people | PLN 2,000
Employment of up to 100 people | PLN 2,500
Employment of more than 100 people | PLN 3,000

Extra Service

Price for consultations above the subscription | PLN 225/h
Price for travel to the customer | PLN 1.5/km
The service is provided in accordance with the IKMJ T&Cs

Standard Package

What are the benfits?


System compliant with ISO and AQAP requirements:

  • Procedures
  • Registers
  • Forms
  • System Page
  • Action Plan

Google Workspace Services

  • Gmail
  • Drive
  • Meet
  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Dosc
  • Sheets
  • Sites
  • Forms

Tools for obtaining ISO and AQAP certification

  • Manual: How to get certified?

Smart Internal Audit


Service in the amount of 4h/month, including:

  • Support in working in the system
  • Practical training in working in the system
  • Internal audit online

User management

User Management Support
Adding New Users
Removing Users

ISO and AQAP certificate

The certificate is issued after approval of the Audit results from Smart Internal Audit


You have full control over all files created by users, even if they no longer work for you
*applies ONLY to Google accounts within the service


System launch | 8h | 2000 PLN
Monthly subscription | 4h | 1000 PLN


Fee for setting up a Google account as part of the service | PLN 60
Fee for a user with their Google account | PLN 0 net

Opata za wydanie certyfikatu

Employment of up to 10 people | PLN 1,000
Employment of up to 25 people | PLN 1,500
Employment of up to 50 people | PLN 2,000
Employment of up to 100 people | PLN 2,500
Employment of more than 100 people | PLN 3,000

Extra Service

Price for consultations above the subscription | PLN 225/h
Price for travel to the customer | PLN 1.5/km
The service is provided in accordance with the IKMJ T&Cs

Enterprise Package

What are the benfits?


System compliant with ISO and AQAP requirements:

  • Procedures
  • Registers
  • Forms
  • System Page
  • Action Plan

Google Workspace Services

  • Gmail
  • Drive
  • Meet
  • Calendar
  • Chat
  • Dosc
  • Sheets
  • Sites
  • Forms

Tools for obtaining ISO and AQAP certification

  • Manual: How to get certified?

Smart Internal Audit


Service of 8h/month, including:

  • Support in working in the system
  • Practical training in working in the system
  • Internal audit online
  • Adapting procedures to the organization
  • Training of management staff
  • Training of internal audits

User management

User Management Support
Adding New Users
Removing Users

ISO and AQAP certificate

The certificate is issued after approval of the Audit results from Smart Internal Audit


You have full control over all files created by users, even if they no longer work for you
*applies ONLY to Google accounts within the service


System launch | 8h | 2000 PLN
Monthly subscription | 8h | 2000 PLN


Fee for setting up a Google account as part of the service | PLN 60
Fee for a user with their Google account | PLN 0 net

Opata za wydanie certyfikatu

Employment of up to 10 people | PLN 1,000
Employment of up to 25 people | PLN 1,500
Employment of up to 50 people | PLN 2,000
Employment of up to 100 people | PLN 2,500
Employment of more than 100 people | PLN 3,000

Extra Service

Price for consultations above the subscription | PLN 225/h
Price for travel to the customer | PLN 1.5/km
The service is provided in accordance with the IKMJ T&Cs

The prices given are for one management system.

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