
“Quote from the GTC of the IKMJ about provision of consultancy services”

Positive certification guarantee

The Contractor (IKMJ) provides the Customer (Client) a System Guarantee (…), which includes a positive passage of the System certification process in the certification and / or accreditation body indicated by the Customer (Client). The condition for granting the guarantee by the Contractor is:

a) Determining the scope of certification and / or accreditation of the System at the latest on the day of signing these General Terms and Conditions.
b) Indication of the certification body not later than one month before the completion of work provided for in these GTC.
c) Principal will apply written recommendations contained in the audit report.
d) Timely payment of amounts due according to the schedule – the sum of arrears from all invoices not exceeding 18 business days.(…)

Tools and instruments effectiveness guarantee

IKMJ guarantees that the tools developed and delivered to the Client as part of the system have the following features:

a) they function as intended
b) they are ergonomically adapted to the user on the orderer’s side
c) they do not contain errors that generate results that are inconsistent with the actual state.

System optimization guarantee

The Contractor (IKMJ) guarantees the optimization of the system implemented in the client’s organisation.

In case that the Contractor does not optimize the system, commits to carry out free of charge consultations until the system is optimized. (…)

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