What is the difference between the WSK training and the Dual-use training?

Quite often, clients ask us to conduct WSK training, and during the conversation it turns out that the client does not sell weapons. Therefore, I will explain the difference between WSK and Dual Use.

WSK (wewnętrzny system kontroliwewnętrzny system kontroli) is an internal control system that an organization must have to trade weapons, i.e. weapons, ammunition, explosives, products, their parts and technology. There is a lot of kind of weapons. I will mention here the simplest and most common:

  • pistols and smoothbore rifles and ammunition
  • rifled guns and rifles and ammunition
  • mortars, grenade launchers and ammunition
    cannons and ammunition
  • bombs, torpedoes, rockets, guided missiles
    explosives such as popular plastic (C4), but also dynamite or other explosives
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We must remember that weapons are also parts for pistols, rifles, cannons, grenade launchers and all other types of weapons, and this is often not so obvious to us.

A detailed list of all types of weapons (armament ) subject to regulations can be found in the Regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology of February 28, 2018 on the list of weapons for which a permit is required.


When we trade in weapons, we train in two topics:

  • internal control system
  • trade in weapons in Poland, the European Union and third countries (everything outside the EU), including obtaining an individual permit
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Dual Use goods, as its name suggests, are, i.e. materials and things that can be used for civilian production as well as for the production of biological, chemical, nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

The issue of trade in such goods in the European Union is regulated by COUNCIL REGULATION No. 428/2009 establishing a Community system for controlling exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items.

When we trade dual-use goods, we train on one topic:

  • trade in dual-use goods in Poland, the European Union and third countries (everything outside the EU), including obtaining an individual permit

I hope this explanation will help you choose the right training.

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