Quality management system guide – How to implement ISO 9001: 2015?

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Today – how to establish the organizational structure?

The organizational structure is nothing more than a hierarchy of importance in the company. Interestingly, most small businesses have no structure. As a rule, there is the Boss and the rest.
In order to properly build a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001, we need to establish an organizational structure or, in other words, an organizational chart.

How to do it?

Take a piece of paper.

Write the Boss’s name at the top.

Draw how you divide the work and write who is in charge of each unit.

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Redraw and give it the Boss to approve (sign) this document.

Announce it among the employees.


Here are examples of organization charts:

For companies run as an activity of a natural person – figure 1


For companies operating as a civil partnership, proffesional partnership – figure 2

For capital companies (LLC., INC.) – Figure 3


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